
Friday, May 18, 2012

Nature of Symbiotic Relation among Insect and Microorganism

Many diseases are transmitted by insects especially viral diseases are very well known to be transmitted by insect vector. Insects belonging to different orders are involve in transmission of plant pathogen from the source of pathogen to the healthy plants. First of all we should know the actual definition of insect which is "any arthropod which has three pairs of legs and one or two pairs of wings on their thorax region".
A symbiotic relationship is developed between pathogen with its vector. this symbiotic relation is basically characterized by "mutualistic symbiosis" and is based upon physiological conditions but there is no a sharp line between mutualistic and parasitism so there is a need of introduction of another term which is "obligate" to define the symbiotic relationship among insect and plant pathogen. There is a theory to define this sort of relationship that the two members live symbiotically in which one member which is microsymbiote is the parasite but as time pass other member develop an immune system and as a result they start to live mutualistically.   
Microorganisms get nutrition and shelter from their insect host while there are several examples in which microorganisms are known to aid in the digestion of the insect by producing certain enzymes, vitamins or the other substances that the insect cannot produce itself. 

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